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Donec porta leo vitae magna vestibulum, quis varius leo tincidunt. Vestibulum sit amet enim non mi luctus gravida. Aenean tincidunt ornare sem. Integer consequat vel libero sit amet ornare. Vestibulum in arcu porta, pellentesque eros sed, hendrerit quam. Nulla commodo nisl velit, at auctor lacus commodo quis. Duis nisi ligula, consequat vitae risus ut, sagittis viverra odio. Nullam pulvinar, ligula vitae aliquet facilisis, velit ex tempus turpis, sit amet iaculis quam nisi pharetra ante.

Sed aliquet pretium felis, non tempor ex aliquam pharetra. Nulla condimentum in dolor ut luctus. Etiam lobortis auctor lectus maximus vestibulum. Praesent posuere tortor sed dolor ornare maximus.

Our process

1. You call us

You may call us at any time convenient for you. Our consultant will record the cause of failure of the gadget, your contact details and direct to you the wizard.

2. Arrival and diagnosis

After the arrival of the master diagnose gadget. Depending on the complexity of the repair, will make repairs on the spot or take away the gadget in the workshop.

3. Repair

Produced careful repair with replacement of parts only of the original production. You can not worry about the integrity of the data on the phone.

4. Return to the specified address

After a repair is completed our consultant will contact You and specify address and delivery time. Thank you.


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